University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology
- Visiting Scientist
I have always been interested in the areas of Mycology, Fungal Genetics, Fungal Population Biology and Ecology, and Plant Pathology. Since relocating back to the Bay Area in 1996, I have been splitting my research time among different laboratories and projects.
My current efforts are in the areas of Neurospora genetics, systematics, population biology and ecology. Most of my time is spent in Dr. David Perkins' laboratory in the Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University where I concentrate on classical genetic studies with Neurospora. My association with David is now in its second decade!
The Reproductive Genetics of Neurospora tetrasperma is a long standing collaboration with Dr. Don Natvig at the University of New Mexico. Don and I have recently expanded into what we have dubbed the "Neurospora-in-Nature" project. During 1999 and 2000 we made extensive collections of Neurospora from the wild. Our most surprising discovery was the presence of Neurospora under the bark of fire killed trees from New Mexico to the Canadian border in Montana! We hope to continue searching further and further north for Neurospora and begin detailed study of the ecology of Neurospora in the near future.
Currently, I also have two other collaborative projects with faculty in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley. With Dr. John Taylor, I am focusing on the systematics, evolution, and speciation within the genus Neurospora. With Dr. Louise Glass, I am investigating the genetics of hyphal fusion (anastomosis) in Neurospora as a complement and extension of her emphasis on the genetics and molecular biology of heterokaryon incompatibility in Neurospora. Recently, this collaboaration has expanded to include live cell imaging of Neurospora hyphal fusion conducted in the laboratory of Dr. Nick Read, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
My work and experience are presented here in the categories below:
Publications and Abstracts
Curriculum vitae