University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology
![Joelle Dupont Joelle Dupont](
- Visiting Scientist
Joelle was on sabbatical in the Taylor lab during 1992 and 1993.
- Joëlle Dupont, Claire Jacquet, Bruno Dennetière, Sandrine Lacoste, Faisl Bousta, Geneviève Orial, Corinne Cruaud, Arnaud Couloux & Marie-France Roquebert. 2007. Invasion of the French Paleolithic painted cave of Lascaux by members of the Fusarium solani species complex . Mycologia 2007 99(4): 526-533.
- Caligiorne, R.B., Licinio, P., Dupont, J., de Hoog, G.S., 2005. Internal transcribed spacer rRNA gene-based phylogenetic reconstruction using algorithms with local and global sequence alignment for black yeasts and their relatives. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43: 2816-2823.
- Bettucci, L., I. Malvarez, J. Dupont, E. Bury, and M.F. Roquebert. 2002. Parana river delta wetlands soil microfungi. Pedobiologia 46:606-623.
- Dupont, J., L. Bettucci, F. Pietra, D. Laurent, and M.F. Roquebert. 2000. Acremonium neocaledoniae, a new species from wood in the Southwestern Lagoon of New Caledonia. Mycotaxon 75:349-356.
- Dupont, J., W. Laloui, S. Magnin, P. Larignon, and M.F. Roquebert. 2000. Phaeoacremonium viticola, a new species associated with Esca disease of grapevine in France. Mycologia 92:499-504.
- Dupont JM, Lebbar A, Dupuy O, Frydman N, Letessier D, Auvinet P, Rabineau D. 1998. Polymerase Chain Reaction generated probes for fluorescence In Situ hybridization. Morphologie 82:21-24.
- Dupont, J., Laloui, W. & Roquebert, M. F. 1998. Partial ribosomal DNA sequences show an important divergence between Phaeoacremonium species isolated from Vitis vinifera. Mycological Research, volume 102 (5): 631-637.
- Laloui, W., J. Dupont, Roquebert, M. F. 1997. Morphological and molecular comparison of strains of pathogenic Phialophora parasitica in humans and plants. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France Evolution et Zoologie 122(4): 437-438.
- Dupont, J., Roquebert, M.F., Guého, E. & S. Tillier, sous presse. A phylogenetic concept of the section flavi within the genus Aspergillus based on partial ribosomal sequences. Mycologia.
- Oudot, J; Dupont, J; Haloui, S; Roquebert, M F. 1993. Biodegradation Potential of Hydrocarbon-Assimilating Tropical Fungi. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, v.25, n.9: 1167-1173.
- Benkhemmar, O; Lahlor, H; Dupont, J; Bompeix, G; Boubekri, C; El Miniai, H. 1993. Identification of different species of Penicillium causing deterioration of the Moroccan table grapes during storage. Mycopathologia, v.124, n.1, (1993): 27-30.
- Benkhemmar, O; Lahlou, H; Bompeix, G; Dupont, J; El Mniai, H; Boubekri, C. 1992. Fungal contamination of dessert grapes held in cold storage. Cryptogamie Mycologie, v.13, n.4: 327-335.
- Dupont, J. A. 1990. Molecular assessment of the position of Stilbothamnium in the Genus Aspergillus. Samson, R.A. and J.I. Pitt (Ed.) Nato ASI (Advanced Science Institutes) Series A Life Sciences, Vol 185. Modern Concepts in Pennicillium and Aspergillus classification; Second international workshop, Baarn, Netherlands, May 8-12, 1989. IX+478P. Plenum Publishing Corp: New York, New York, USA; London, England, UK. ILLUS. ISBN 0-306-43516-0. p. 335-342.